Now Showing: A New Food Safety Partnership Panel!

Food Safety Partnership Panel #10:

Typhoid Mary: The Power of One

Join us as we take a look at lessons learned from the infamous Typhoid Mary, reminding viewers of important principles that need to be adhered to in order to help minimize the possibility of disease transmission via food.

Each partnership panel is approximately 30 minutes long and all 10 may be found on our website at .

It’s Environmental Health Week!

EH Week

Governor Nathan Deal has recognized the crucial work performed locally by Environmental Health staff and declared this week Environmental Health Week!  One should never underestimate the value of safe food, clean water, proper wastewater disposal, and general sanitation to the increased life expectancy and improved standard of living that people have experienced over the past century.  These are things that people often take for granted, but without the safety net of environmental health, these key public health accomplishments would crumble at their foundation.   The hard work and dedication of Environmental Health staff throughout the state of Georgia play a key part in assuring  that the public health foundation of Georgia remains strong.

 – Chris Hutcheson, Director, Center for Environmental Health



Straight from the Field: Dry Storage Gone Bad!


Toward the end of this facility’s last routine inspection, I realized that I had not yet seen their dry storage area. I asked the person-in-charge (PIC) to show me where it was located. When the PIC unlocked the closet, I was a little surprised (and also grateful) that nothing toppled onto my head.

This is a good example of how not to store food, equipment, utensils, and paper goods. As you can see from the picture, this arrangement does not allow much room for cleaning the floors and walls. This could also lead to a huge problem with roaches or rodents because there are plenty of places for them to hide and any evidence of their presence would be difficult to see. I quickly informed the PIC that this room was a public health concern and explained why it was critical that all of these items needed to be stored at least 6 inches above the floor.

This violation was marked under 14B: “Utensils, equipment and linens: properly stored, dried, handled” on their food service inspection.

Contributed by Casey Saenz, EHS3

Got ServSafe?

Most food service establishments are required to have a Certified Food Safety Manager (CFSM) on staff.  Since the certification for a CFSM is only valid for 5 years, it’s critical that restaurant operators be aware of when the credential is nearing its expiration date.  If you, or someone you know, is in need of this certification or due for re-certification,  Cobb & Douglas Public Health will be presenting a ServSafe class in partnership with the Cobb County Cooperative Extension Service on July 26-27.

Additional information for this class, including a registration form, can be found at the following link: