NOW AVAILABLE: CDPH COVID-19 Vaccination Newsletter

To stay current on the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine in our district, please visit the “COVID Vaccine” page of the Cobb & Douglas Public Health website to sign up for our vaccine newsletter.  This will be the best way to make sure you are notified when food service workers and other qualifying groups become eligible to receive the vaccine. This page also provides additional information and resources related to the COVID-19 vaccine that can be shared with your staff.

While the public health focus is shifting to vaccinations, free COVID-19 testing is still available by registering at the following link:

Links to all of CDPH’s resources related to COVID-19 can be found on our Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) webpage.

Infographic of Updated COVID-19 Quarantine Guidance

If you have been a close contact of someone that has been diagnosed with COVID-19, there are now three quarantine options that may be utilized to protect those around you from potential coronavirus exposure. The full details of these options can be found here, but the graphic above may be a more convenient reference.

Please keep in mind, that these quarantine options are only available to close contacts that are not exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. If you are experiencing symptoms of this illness, it is critical that you isolate yourself and follow current isolation guidelines.

And if you think you may have COVID-19, free testing is available at many convenient testing sites across the state. You may register for a free test here:

Updated COVID-19 Return to Work and Quarantine Guidance

The public health Return to Work Guidance and the Quarantine Guidance have both been updated to reflect the new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changes for close contacts. This includes a change to the quarantine period for those that do not live in congregate settings [such as group homes, dormitories, detention centers, etc.] to 7 days (with a negative PCR or antigen test collected on or after Day 5 AND asymptomatic) OR 10 days (without a test AND asymptomatic).  As always, all close contacts should monitor their symptoms for the 14 day period following exposure.  If symptoms develop, the close contact MUST self-isolate immediately.  Testing is still available for all symptomatic individuals.

Responding to a Covid-19 Diagnosis in a Food Service Facility

Cobb County remains among the top 5 counties in Georgia in regard to the number of Covid-19 cases identified.  This number is of increased concern when considering the close proximity of food service workers with one another and with their customers.  The Contact Tracing Team of Cobb & Douglas Public Health has produced an infographic that food service operators may print for use in their facilities.  The poster emphasizes the importance of contact tracing when a worker has been diagnosed with Covid-19 or has been in close contact with someone who has been.  This includes the importance of reporting food worker cases to the health department and the protocol to be followed when workers are diagnosed. 

Also, keep in mind that free Covid-19 testing is available at our Cobb and Douglas drive-thru testing sites after completing the online registration form.  If a testing site in another Georgia county is more convenient, you may also request an appointment for the closest site via the same online registration link.   

Preparing for Holiday Celebrations with COVID-19 Precautions in Mind

Most are looking forward to the holidays bringing a sense of positive change from what we’ve experienced over the past several months.  As plans are being made, it is still important to not only keep our “food” safe during festivities, but for us to be “COVID” safe as well.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has provided several good resources to assist with preparations for the holidays with Covid-19 in mind to help keep our friends and families safe.

Let’s get ready for fun—and safe—holidays!

Updated Food Service Regulations and COVID-19 Guidance

The Georgia Department of Public Health has recently updated the Rules and Regulations for Food Service as well as their COVID-19 Guidance for Restaurant and Bars

The most recent change to the Food Service rules applies to the definition of a “food service establishment” which now exempts nonprofit temporary food service that operate for 120 hours or less from having to have a food service permit from Public Health.  [Those permits will now be issued by the municipal/county government of jurisdiction].

The latest COVID-19 guidance document reflects the CDC’s change regarding when a worker diagnosed with COVID-19 may return to work.  The timeframe has decreased from 3 days fever-free without the aid of fever reducing medicine to just 24 hours. 

Check out our Environmental Health COVID-19 guidance page to access more resources and guidance to assist you during these times.

Free Conflict De-Escalation Training for Restaurant Employees!

Recognizing that tensions are sometimes high when trying to maintain a safe customer and work environment, especially in the midst of taking  COVID precautions, the National Restaurant Association is offering FREE ServSafe Conflict De-escalation video training.  This is the newest of four COVID-19 Precautions  training videos that ServSafe is making available to restaurant operators and employees for free during this time.  Please check out these resources, as the need to stay vigilant in regard to COVID-19 continues to exist.

NEHA Is Searching for Food Safety Heroes!

During National Food Safety Education Month, the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) is paying tribute to those in the food industry who have been on the front lines during this time of COVID-19 pandemic response.  With that in mind, they have a Food Safety Heroes campaign going on throughout the month of September recognizing those in the food safety workforce that have excelled in their duties during this time.  If you know of such a person, please nominate him/her as a Food Safety Hero and check out NEHA’s Food Safety Heroes blog as individuals are highlighted.

Reflective Guidance for the Latest Executive Order

The Georgia Department of Public Health has updated its COVID-19 GUIDANCE FOR RESTAURANTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS THAT MEET THE DEFINITION OF A “BAR” in response to Governor Kemp’s most recent Executive Order pertaining to COVID-19.  The requirements of the previous Executive Order are virtually the same in regard to food service establishments.  That includes the requirements for social distancing and the wearing of facial coverings by staff when in contact with customers.   Be sure to provide 6 feet of separation between table seatings or provide a form of physical barrier to separate seating that is within 6 feet of other seating.   Also, make sure hand sanitizer is provided for patrons and workers.   These areas are worth emphasizing right now because they are the most common source of complaints regarding non-compliance with Executive Order requirements. 

Shout-outs to each of you that are doing your part.  With a united effort to protect our personal health as well as that of our neighbor, we will achieve victory over COVID-19.  

CDC Releases Updated Return to Work Guidance for COVID-19

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its COVID-19 Isolation/Quarantine Guidance which covers when to isolate or quarantine and when it is okay to return to work and be around others.  This update is timely because public health is responding to a number of reports of diagnosed workers in all kinds of businesses, including several food service facilities.  As a reminder, the CDC still states that the best protection against coronavirus, at this time, is the proper wearing of face coverings as shown above by one of our local restaurants.

The modified return to work guidance is a result of the analysis of the many cases of COVID-19 that have occurred, and it provides clear direction when deciding when to return to work based on whether you were diagnosed with symptoms or without symptoms.  The site also contains access to short videos (available in English, Spanish, and ASL) that help to explain or emphasize common terms–such as the difference between isolation and quarantine— along with procedures related to COVID-19—such as how to properly wear a mask, when to clean and disinfect high contact surfaces, and specific guidance for restaurants and bars.  

Thanks for staying alert and preventing the spread of COVID-19!